How to not burnout

For most of high school, I was a competitor. I stayed up late studying, came to school sleep-deprived, got up early on the weekends to plunge into the cold chlorinated water of the swimming pool, and had exactly zero close friends. After doing this lifestyle for a while, I think I forgot how to have fun, and it took me many years to rediscover how to.

The bright side was that I developed somewhat of a pain tolerance to unpleasant tasks. I guess that’s called discipline. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten softer. I’m now more liable to draw, write, do handstands, talk to friends, or surf the web instead of doing boring work.

I need fun: too long without it and I don’t know who I am anymore. This cartoon shows an idea I had about how to make not-fun things fun. This works sometimes, but there are boring bits to any job and sometimes lots of them. I guess it’s good that I learned to tolerate not-fun in high school. Though as I’m getting older, my tolerance is going down.