My favorite internet things

The Uncomfortable Truth of Life. We are inconsequential, cosmic dust. We imagine our own importance. We invent our purpose. We decide which values — like piano notes — we want to play in our short lives. Which melodies do we want to reverberate after we’re gone? What’s our offering to the totality?

To be means to InterBe. An embodied awareness of Interbeing is a path to spiritual expansiveness, for me. You could be on your deathbed, surrounded by family, and yet feeling isolated and alone. You could also be dying ostensibly alone, and yet aware of your interbeing with all of reality. An awareness of interbeing is available to us at any moment. Just think about where the air you’re breathing comes from.

Time trades (song). The lens that everything is a time trade is extremely helpful for living life. What are the big time trades of your life?

Stranger at the Gate. Hate can be learned by dehumanizing the other, and unlearned through humanizing “them.” Quote: “I had a dream of shooting the paper target, and it was bleeding.”

G Dog. Father Greg Boyle started Homeboy Industries, a container of unconditional love and practical support for gang members, based on a foundation of universal kinship and belonging. Can we bring this sense to our daily interactions?

Containers. How does the stuff at Target get there? This podcast gives insight into how the “global economy” physically works.

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